A Different Way to Advance Educational Goals

Supplemental Instruction

Welcome to a different approach to education â€” Supplement Instruction (SI). A student SI Leader attends every class session, take notes and  exemplifies model student behavior. The SI function does not focus on one-on-one instruction, instead, it is oriented towards group discussion, clusters and many other collaborative learning techniques. Using these types of study strategies are an efficient and effective way of engaging students in a creative learning environment.  

Sharon Walker, M.A.
Director, Academic Support
Martin Luther King Building, Room 224

SI Leader Resources


SupplementaI Instruction Faculty Involvement

Faculty Commitment

The SI Program coordinator, class SI student leader and the instructor all work together for student success â€” minimizing the additional time required by the instructor, who will contribute by: 

  • Promoting SI Study Sessions - for just a few minutes 
  • Making Initial Class Announcement: The SI student leader will take a few minutes to speak at the beginning of the first or second lecture to promote study sessions 
  • Endorsing: SI session information is included in class syllabus and verbally endorsed by the instructor at the beginning and throughout the semester (a powerpoint slide with session times will be displayed prior to class). The SI leader will take a few minutes at the beginning of class to make weekly announcements 
  • The Instructor meets weekly with the SI leader for 10-30 minutes to discuss what takes place in the session and shares ideas on how to present difficult subject matter. Instructor Recommends Student SI attendance is voluntary, however, your instructor recommends you meet with your Student SI Leader. To ask for Supplemental Instruction for your class, download the request form and submit it to your instructor! 
Request an SI Leader
  • Deadline for Summer 2024 requests is Friday, May 24
  • Deadline for Fall 2024 requests is Sunday, June 30

How to Become a SI Leader

To qualify as a SI Leader you must have: 

  • A 3.0 cumulative GPA or 
  • A 3.0 term GPA for the previous two semesters and 
  • Received an A or B in the prerequisite course(s) 
  • RCC as your home college at the time of application 

Applicants who do not have a 3.0 GPA or cannot attend the lecture time for their course will not be considered. 

As an SI Leader you will be expected to: 

  • Attend mandatory two-day pre-semester training the Thursday and Friday before classes begin 
  • Attend the assigned lecture for your course 
  • Plan and conduct two or three engaging, collaborative study sessions each week 
  • Hold one office hour each week for meeting students and planning sessions 
  • Meet regularly with the professor of your course 
  • Attend monthly trainings 
  • Meet with the SI professional staff as required 
  • Work an average of 8-10 hours per week