Financing Your Education

The Costs and Potential Funding Sources

We are committed to providing students with affordable tuition, manageable direct education costs, and equitable access to financial aid resources. Understanding of the costs and knowing what you are eligible for will help you create a financial plan.


Student Employment 

Student employment offers students the opportunity to have part-time employment on or off-campus that can possibly be related to their chosen field of study, on a schedule that works with their studies.


Did You Know?

RCC Education is Affordable
Cost Per Unit
of students receive the California Promise Grant Tuition Waiver
million financial aid delivered last year

The RCC Promise Program

Free Tuition and Fees + Book and Other Support

The RCC Promise program is part of a state and nationwide effort to provide affordable education. Full-time eligible students recieve free no-fee tuition and fees, support for textbooks, priority registration, access to educational and faculty advisors, activities and a dedicated community. Certain restrictions apply.

Financial Aid Virtual Assistance

Students can get help with completing the FAFSA application, CA DREAM Act application, get general answers to questions and receive assistance with financial aid verification task status during the virtual assistance hours. Also, we offer Cash for College and scholarship virtual workshops. Please look below for our virtual drop in hours and current workshops.

Monday 10  - 11 am
Monday 2 - 3 pm
Wednesday 10 - 11 am
Wednesday 2 - 3 pm
Thursday 10 - 11 am
Thursday 2 - 3 pm