Veterans Center

Welcome Military Affiliated Students
You served our country and we honor your place on our campus — our Veterans center and programs are designed to support and guide you to success. Veterans are eligible for four years of priority registration, this is to be used within fifteen years of your discharged date from active duty.
ÃÛÌÒÉç is an institution that is dedicated to serving those that have served in our armed forces. Our Veterans resource center and programs are designed to support and guide you in your educational journey. Within the Veterans center, students are given the opportunity to meet with our staff or a counselor, complete a Student Educational Plan, certification for VA benefits, study, access computers and other educational supplies, and engage in on-campus events/activities and build a community with other Veteran students.
Visit us
Location: Music Building, Room 105
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 am-6 pm | Wednesday 8 am - 5 pm
Phone: (951) 222-8607
Important Information

Priority Registration
VRC students who have been approved for Priority Registration must contact the VRC to be cleared. The time frame for Summer and Fall 2022 is May 9 starting at 8am. For winter and spring, it is the last two weeks in October.
Be Advised: Unit Caps Apply During Priority Registration

RCC Admission Application Deadlines
Summer 2022 application period: October 1, 2021 – June 23, 2022
Fall 2022 application period: Application Period: October 1, 2021 – October 20, 2022

Drop for Non-Payment
To avoid being dropped for non-payment, you must submit your Statement of Responsibility (SOR) each semester immediately after registering for courses, with no further changes to your class schedule. Drops and changes to your class schedule, may affect your benefits. Please contact the Veteran’s Resource Center if changes to your schedule occurs after submitting your SOR.
Call 888-GIBILL1 (442-4551) for questions regarding pay, the Certificate of Eligibility or Veterans’ Affairs (VA) Benefits.
Benefits You May Be Entitled To
VA Administered Programs
ÃÛÌÒÉç provides assistance to Veterans seeking to use the following educational benefits:
- Active Duty Educational Assistance Program, Montgomery GI Bill â„¢ - Chapter 30
- Post-9/11 GI Bill â„¢ - Chapter 33
- Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program, Montgomery GI Bill â„¢ - Chapter 1606
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Chapter 31
- Reserve Educational Assistance Program - Chapter 1607
- Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program - Chapter 35
We certify Veterans who are seeking to use the VA benefits listed above to obtain
an Associate's degree, complete a Certificate program, or obtain units to transfer
to a 4-year University.
Benefit eligibility is determined by the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
The Veterans' Program Requirements
Students must have a VA approved Student Educational Plan (SEP/Ed Plan) he/she understands. These plans, developed between a RCC counselor and you, will serve as your road map, listing required coursework so you can chart your progress in completing your educational goals. This plan is so important for your benefits and success at RCC. It is necessary to first see a counselor to select and discuss your specific program of study. The counselor can gauge your interests and aspirations through a personal discussion with you to make sure you are aware of various coursework associated with specific programs and eliminate any misunderstandings about program requirements as well.
Process to Receiving Benefits
Chapter 30, 33, 1606, 1607, or 35 - Apply with the Veterans’ Affairs Office(VA) - Form 22-1990
Note : Within 2-4 weeks, the VA will send you two copies of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE). Bring one of the two copies to RCC Veterans Services.
Chapter 30, 33, 1606 or 1607
- Transfer your benefits to be used by turning in Form 22-1995 to RCC Veterans Services.
- Forms can be found at .
Chapter 35
- Transfer your benefits to be used by turning in Form 22-5495 to RCC Veterans Services.
- Forms can be found at .
- First-time college students, transfer students, and returning students Apply Online
- Students may apply for
- For further information, visit the Student Financial Services website or contact Student Financial Services at (951) 222-8710
- First-time college students and returning students will complete their Placement Survey in for appropriate placement in Math and English classes.
- Login to
- First-time college students may do an Online Orientation and First Semester Ed Plan
- For further information regarding the application process please contact the Outreach and Welcome Center
- Activate your RCCD email account
- Veterans are eligible for priority registration for four years after being discharged from active duty. To obtain a priority registration date, Veterans must take a copy of their DD214 Member 4, to RCC Veterans Services; in person or via email to
- If you do not have a copy of your DD214, you can request yours
Official transcripts from all previously attended institutions must be sent to RCC. Official electronic transcripts may be sent to
Official transcripts may also be mailed to:
ÃÛÌÒÉç - Incoming Transcripts
4800 Magnolia Ave
Riverside, CA 92506
For further information concerning transcripts procedures please visit
Note: Before your enrollment can be certified, all prior credit must be evaluated.
Transcripts must be official, sealed and less than 90 days old.
Transcripts Required:
- Military transcripts (Army, National Guard, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard)
- All other College or University transcripts
- High School transcripts for certain educational plans
Military Transcript Request Forms*:
* Include the RCC address on transcript requests and send your request to the address or the fax number on the form.
The site includes information for public view on transfer articulations including American Council on Education (ACE) for Military Articulation to ÃÛÌÒÉç (RCC). Although ÃÛÌÒÉç has made this available for public use, the database does not take the place of a counselor and proper student advising.
Check That RCC Received Transcripts
Check via (under transcripts received) to see if all transcripts have been received by the college.
Apply at ÃÛÌÒÉç Financial Aid school code 001270.
RCCD Student Email will provide you important notices from the Veterans Resource Center.
- Be prepared to share your VA approved intended 'Program of Study'.
- College articulation agreements can be found at or
- A list of VA approved programs is available to view at â„¢
- Some military specialties are approved to received RCC credit for courses/trainings
that occurred while in the service, make sure to speak with your VRC Counselor about
this opportunity. Please submit the Credit for Prior Learning Form.
- Once complete, the form is to be emailed to
To schedule a VA Counseling appointment, contact the VRC at 951-222-8607 or email at
- When registering for classes refer to your copy of the VA SEP. Only required classes listed are payable by the VA.
- Students register for classes via or EduNav on or after their assigned registration date and time (View registration dates on )
- Once enrolled in classes, fill out a Statement of Responsibility Form
- This form is also available at RCC Veterans Services and must be completed by the student each semester to request benefits
- Turning in this form immediately upon registering for classes will prevent Veterans from being dropped for non-payment
- The SOR informs the RCC VA Certifying Officials of your intent to use benefits for the semester to process you through the VA for accurate usage of benefits.
- Veterans Services will submit the enrollment certification to the VA for required courses only, please be mindful of your units as it will affect your benefits.
- At the end of every month, Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 students must call (877) 823-2378 or go to to verify enrollment and receive payment.
- Note: Chapter 33, 33-TR, and 35 do not verify enrollment but dependents may call 1-888-GIBILL-1 for certification status
- To change your program of study, you must fill out Form 22-1995 (Chapter 30, 33, 1606, and 1607) or Form 22-5495 (Chapter 35).
- Forms can be found - Form 22-1995 and Form 22-5495
- Turn the 22-1995 or 22-5495 in to RCC Veterans Services. Contact the Veterans Resource Center at 951 222-8607 or email at to schedule an appointment.
- Call 888-GIBILL1 (442-4551) for questions regarding pay, the Certificate of Eligibility, or VA Benefits.
- Check your RCCD email!
A Community of Students and Supporters
RCC Student Veterans Association
Our RCC Student Veterans Group recognizes the service our members have provided to our country and provides a supportive inclusive environment.
Our Veterans Association is an active chapter of The (SVA), a national organization supporting student Veterans.
Meetings are held during Spring and Fall semesters, first Thursdays of each month, 12:50-1:50pm in the Veterans Resource Center or online currently in .
FAQ's for Veterans Using VA Educational Benefits
Certifying officials have 30 days to certify completed and accurate requests, in accordance to Veterans Affair Rules and Regulations.
You are required to submit a SOR every term/semester that you plan to collect benefits. Turning this in immediately once you enroll in classes, allows the college to certify you for your courses and prevents you from being dropped for non-payment. While informing the RCC VA Certifying Officials to process you through the VA for accurate usage of benefits.
You can also apply for financial aid via . For more information, please refer to Student Financial Services website or contact (951) 222-8710.
Scholarships may also be available to Veterans through RCC Financial Aid please contact financial aid for scholarship information.
RCC TRIO program is partnered with our RCC Veterans Department to assist students and may on occation have financial assistance. Please contact for more information.
This information also pertains to the colleges within the Riverside Community College District. Yet, this PSL will not require counselors review as we are within the same District.
If you are using your GIBILL â„¢ benefits, you must also let Veterans Services staff know.
Resources and Links
(888) GIBILL1
Veterans can verify enrollment by using W.A.V.E- (877) 823-2378 or- for state specific Veteran support
- (CalTAP)
4360 Orange Street, Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: (951) 955-3060 Fax: (951) 955-3063- For assistance with unemployment benefits, training services, and to get information about priority Veteran job placement contact EDD via
- Local Corona Vet Center- (951) 734-0525
- Colton Vet Center - (909) 801-5762
(800) 433-3318
- (800) 827-1000
- For more information on high growth and high demand careers -
This "One Stop Career Center" provides information about schools, training programs and job openings in the area and is a career resource center. For other locations, call - (877) US2-JOBS for direct assistance - - For assistance with unemployment benefits, training services, and to get information about priority Veteran job placement contact EDD.
- Health and Welfare Center
- Crisis/Intervention Hotline
(951) 686-4357 - Referrals for health and social services, please call 2-1-1
- Care System offers 5 years of healthcare to Veterans.
(800) 827-1000 -
(800) 952-5626 -
- CARES Line Call (800) 706-7500
- Substance Use CARES Line (800) 499-3008
- 24/7 Mental Health Urgent Care​ Riverside: (951) 509-2499 Palm Springs: (442) 268-7000 Perris: (951) 349-4195
- Peer Navigation Line Call: 888-768-4968
- VA Loma Linda Healthcare System (909) 825-7084 or (800)741-8387
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255
- (800) 273-8255 and press 1/ Text 8328255
Useful Reading
The average military family moves every 2-3 years — 2.5 times more often than civilian families. Before your next move here are a few things to learn and consider.
Members of the military, and their family, sacrifice so much. Operation We Are Here points the way to a treasure trove of information to assist your military or veteran family.
Finding a real estate agent who knows the ins and outs of veteran home buying benefits can help you save time, money and frustration while making the best purchase.
You are not alone. There are many people who are or have been in similar places to you. Service members, veterans and military families here is the support you’ve earned, and deserve.