Remove Barriers to Your Success

RCC EOPS/CARE/NextUp Programs

We are here to support you in achieving your goals!

EOPS provides academic support, a guided pathway, and educational supplies that are over, above, and in addition to traditional college support. Supplemental programs within EOPS, including CARE and NextUp, also provide eligible single parents and current/former foster students with additional resources to overcome barriers and lead you to educational success.

Contact Us

Dr. Charles A. Kane Student Services and Administration Building, Second Floor, Room 202 
Hours: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 8 am – 5 pm; Thursday 8 am - 6 pm
Phone: (951) 222-8045
Note: Closed all major holidays 

How to Apply for EOPS/CARE/NextUP

Complete EOPS Application

How to Apply for EOPS through MyPortal:

  1. Log into  using your student credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Menu by clicking on the menu icon (you may see three horizontal lines or a grid (Three lines stacked horizontally)).
  3. Select Financial Information from the menu options.
  4. Click on Financial Aid, then choose Other Financial Aid Apps.
  5. Find and click on the EOPS Application.

Once your application is submitted and accepted, you’ll receive an email from EOPS inviting you to an EOPS Orientation. At the orientation, you'll also be considered for CARE and NextUp benefits, if eligible.

Your Success is Our Priority

EOPS Requirements: 

  • Student will enroll in full-time course work upon acceptance into the program (take 12 units in fall and spring terms) *exceptions may apply for DRC or foster youth students
  • CA Resident or AB540 qualified 
  • Have completed less than 45 degree applicable (course) units 
  • Qualify for the California College Promise Grant 
  • Student must have an educational disadvantage

CARE (Supplemental Program) Requirements: 

  • Must already be a qualified EOPS participant
  • Student must be a single parent and head of household
  • Student must be receiving cash-aid (TANF benefits) for themselves or their child/children

NextUp (Supplemental Program) Requirements: 

  • Must already be a qualified EOPS participant
  • Student is a current, or former, foster youth in California whose dependency was established, or continued by the court, on or after their 16th birthday
  • Student is no older than 25 years of age at the commencement of the academic year in which you participate in NextUp
  • Student must commit to enroll in at least 9 units at time of acceptance

As an EOPS Program Participant You Are Eligible For: 

  • ​P°ù¾±´Ç°ù¾±³Ù²â&²Ô²ú²õ±è;°ù±ð²µ¾±²õ³Ù°ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô&²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  • textbook support 
  • One-on-one tutoring 
  • Academic counseling 
  • Educational Supplies 
  • Specialized Workshops 
  • Transfer information & assistance 
  • Transfer application fee waivers 
  • Regalia (for graduation) 

CARE Provides the Following Additional Support: 

  • Additional textbook support 
  • Transportation assistance 
  • Child care assistance  
  • Specialized support workshops & peer support 

NextUp Provides the Following Additional Services: 

  • Maximum Book Services 
  • Unmet need stipends 
  • Specialized support workshops 
  • Transportation assistance 

NextUp Benefits for Foster Youth

NextUp provides support that makes a difference while attending the community college. NextUp (also known as Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support (CAFYES), is available at 45 community college campuses. The program is housed within the existing community college programs for educationally disadvantaged students, known as Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS). These programs provide service coordination, counseling, tutoring, career guidance, child care and transportation assistance, and grants to assist with the cost of books, housing and other non-tuition costs. 

Sign-up and attend an EOPS Orientation. Bring a copy of your Foster Youth verification to the second floor EOPS office in the Charles A. Kane building, if you haven’t already provided this information to RCC’s Student Financial Aid office. You can also submit it using the link below.

In order to qualify, students must be under age 26, in foster care on or after their 16th birthday and enrolled in at least 9 units at a college with a NextUp program.

Male Mentoring 

Under the leadership of EOPS counselor Jairo De Leon, the Male Mentoring movement is designed to provide support, guidance, and mentorship to young men as they navigate the challenges of higher education. This service recognizes that many male students face unique challenges, such as lack of family support, financial hardship, and limited resource access.

By providing mentorship and support, the Male Mentoring movement helps male students overcome these challenges and achieve their full potential. This program offers monthly meetings on , one-on-one counseling appointments, and two podcasts on the .

Monthly Meetings

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID:  821 4091 4030
Passcode: MALE#


Keep'n it Real is a weekly discussion space where RCC Hosts Counselors address real issues and conversations male students face, such as general life, academics, finances, mental wellness, health, and family dynamics.

The Leadership Legends podcast aims to offer male students at RCC a mentoring platform that provides access to successful male professionals who will share insights into their personal and academic journey to success.

For more information and monthly meeting dates, contact EOPS Counselor Jairo De Leon at

EOPS Frequently Asked Questions

EOPS offers services only during the Fall and Spring semesters (not Summer or Winter sessions). EOPS counselors are not available during the Summer and Winter sessions.

You can make an appointment with an EOPS counselor through our
or by calling EOPS at (951) 222-8045. 

You will receive a notice of eligibility within 7-10 (working) days via email. If accepted, you must attend an EOPS New Student Orientation to complete program enrollment.
EOPS offers a textbook voucher to purchase books in the primary terms (fall and spring terms). The book voucher amount varies each semester and is dependent upon program funding.

Textbook voucher funds vary from semester to semester (depending on fund availability). Usually, book vouchers range between $50 and $250.

EOPS does not provide refunds for books.

EOPS does not pay for general bus passes or parking permits. However, CARE and NextUp may provide this support, dependent upon annual program funding.
One of EOPS’ requirements is that you enroll full-time, which means 12 or more RCC units in each primary term. DRC students and foster youth may qualify for fewer units. Exceptions to this enrollment requirement are provided if you are a DRC students who submits a DRC Verification form. NextUp students are required to enroll in at least 9 units for the primary term that they enroll in the program. If you are struggling to enroll in 12 units, meet with an EOPS counselor for options and support. 
One of EOPS’ requirements is that you enroll full-time, which means 12 or more RCC units in each primary term. DRC students and foster youth may qualify for fewer units. Exceptions to this enrollment requirement are provided if you are a DRC students who submits a DRC Verification form. NextUp students are required to enroll in at least 9 units for the primary term that they enroll in the program. If you are struggling to enroll in 12 units, meet with an EOPS counselor for options and support. 
You can contact the EOPS office by visiting the second floor of the Charles A. Kane building, calling (951) 222-8045 during regular business hours or email